Every year, the Key Software Systems team releases updates and new features to their Xcelerator Final-Mile Delivery platform and MobileTek that help their clients deliver the highest level of service. However, this year sheds a whole new light on the company’s big steps into final-mile home delivery service, customer scheduling, and delivery automation with their newest Oceana release in Xcelerator.

“I’m very proud of our entire team and I am thankful for our forward-thinking clients for helping us with requirements,
operational workflows, design input and participation in quality assurance testing,” states Christopher Miller, Chief Technology Officer at Key Software Systems. “This is going to be a huge year for Key Software Systems, and I
very much look forward to showing both customers and prospects the tangible components that will help them delight and attract shippers and put Key Software Systems miles ahead of our nearest, trailing competitor.”
Convenience of Scheduling has an immediate impact on carriers with diversified lines of business that have adopted Home Delivery. With the Oceana release, users can expect a more automated delivery experience for their internal teams
and customers. The new order scheduling feature is a first-class scheduling system, integrated seamlessly into the Xcelerator platform. Whether it is home delivery, product installation, service and/or maintenance, these advancements have you covered. Customer service teams can easily interact with shippers
and consignees through a two-way chat for their scheduling needs and gain insight into when a customer schedules, cancels, or re-schedules their delivery. When the delivery does not go according to plan, users can easily work through the challenges with built-in Case Management to reassure the shipper or consignee, of a swift resolution. Customers will have the visibility, automation, and toolset needed to ensure they continue to deliver an incredible experience for their customers.
Special Driver Attributes prove to enhance the dispatch environment and eliminate risk. It’s critical to match the right driver to the right delivery, and to do so with little effort. Users can create special driver attributes specific to their business needs or to that of the shippers, whether it be a certification, COVID vaccination, or even a custom created attribute. Only drivers with those specified attributes will be able to be selected for the delivery throug
h automated dispatching, assisted dispatch, or manual. Without these attributes, drivers will not be considered for dispatch, making driver assignment more precise, efficient and easier than ever.
Sort Codes increase package sort speed for same-day or next-day distribution operations. Every second counts and increasing package sort speed and accuracy at the dock level provides a streamlined, automated approach to current operations. Sort Codes are customizable, visible on package labels, order entry, and review order screens to support rapid and organizational continuity for same-day and next-day distribution. Combined with a conveyor belt system, the speed and accuracy brought about with the addition of sort codes will have an enormous impact on customer performance.
Pick Up and Delivery Driver Proximity Alerts add another layer to the customer experience and rounds out a vital aspect of customer communication in the final mile. Xcelerator customers can now deliver email, text, and push notification proximity alerts to shippers or consignees, alerting them that the driver is now approaching their pickup or delivery location. Proximity alerts add the ability for the consignee to also watch the driver approach their doorstep in real-time with driver in-motion tracking, as their packages safely arrive at their destination.
Key Software customers can expect to be able to take full advantage of all the new features in March of 2022, when Key Software Systems will release Oceana live to the Xcelerator Final Mile Delivery Platform.