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‘Mobile’ Category

In the dynamic landscape of modern delivery services, technology is empowering carriers to augment their delivery network with new lines of business in previously untouched vertical markets. Final mile software platforms like Xcelerator are advancing their applications with features and functionality that complement the carriers existing B-B delivery network, to easily adopt a B-C model that encompasses Home Delivery and the scheduling complexities that come with it.

Adding a Home Delivery service to existing delivery verticals can be challenging, however platforms like Xcelerator are proving to smooth the speed bumps encountered when working with a new customer base. Home delivery challenges are found in receiving products, coordinating delivery times, communicating with drivers and consignees, as well as case management. Adopting technology automates and streamlines that process end-to-end, transforming not only the customer journey, but your internal operations as well. By leveraging the technology carriers have a newfound sense of control over their delivery experience when embarking in new areas like Home Delivery.

Through the combination of consignees self-scheduling deliveries through SMS communication and route optimization applied to those scheduled deliveries, carriers now have the tools and resources for operational finesse, and customer-centric engagement. Your entire final mile delivery management and optimization platform will stand not only as a symbol of courage to move into new markets, but also as a model of exceptional customer satisfaction.

August 6, 2019



The idea that smartphones have irrevocably changed the world is hard to dispute. After all, you only need to watch local foot traffic for a few minutes to see at least one person walking around engrossed in their screen. A more relevant question for those in the supply chain industry is whether such changes are truly beneficial.

Let’s not kid ourselves – Smartphones are essential to the way modern companies do business. It’s important, however, not to get so wrapped up in the power of technology that we lose sight of its business implications.


Smartphones democratize access to information, so it makes sense that they’re integral players in warehousing, shipping, and other logistics affairs. For instance, if your delivery dispatch software connects to your drivers’ smartphones, then they can fulfill orders more fluidly without having to report back to a live person or check with you for instructions.


Can continuous access also have less-than-ideal impacts? The concept might not be so far-fetched, and it has been proven by the American Psychological Association that constant smartphone usage contributes to anxiety and other stress factors. It’s easy to imagine how adding smartphones to the mix could make life even more hectic for delivery drivers or distract them inappropriately.


On the other hand, using smartphones wisely might make common workflows more manageable. By enhancing the information available to their fulfillment workers, logistics and e-commerce enterprises stand to stay on task and cultivate better habits.

Imagine that you were a delivery driver who served a regular route. In the old days, you might have been required to deal with seemingly random daily load outs and routing practices that forced you to contend with traffic and fuel waste. Thanks to smartphone-capable dispatch software, you can now plan trips out in advance to avoid pitfalls and get more done with less work. Although the potential for burnout always exists in a fast-paced environment, giving employees more useful productivity tools lets them tackle workloads without quite as much uncertainty.


One of the most poignant benefits of smartphones is that they can help reduce loss. For instance, in May 2019, cargo handling companies demonstrated the ability to track perishable consignment temperatures in real time using near-field communications, or NFC, sensors as goods traveled from Mexico to Kuwait. As this form of loss-prevention monitoring becomes the standard, the entire supply chain industry will feel the impetus to use feedback more efficiently or lose market share.

Such initiatives are clearly within the realm of possibility, but smartphones make them practical. Although the IoT technologies needed for tasks like keeping close tabs on global shipments are still in their infancy, the tools that help humans interface with data in readily accessible formats are already everywhere. Whether you let your employees bring their own smart hardware or provide official company devices for interacting with your dispatch routing software, you’ll thrive more if you keep everyone connected.

MobileTek by Key Software Systems, is proud to announce a newly formed partnership with Scandit, a leading provider in mobile data capture technology. Partnering with Scandit will compliment MobileTek by advancing the scanning capabilities of the smartphones built-in camera, providing a more cost effective, user friendly and robust mobile application to the user, while increasing driver performance and productivity.

Along with increased scan speed of the built-in camera, MobileTek customers will immediately see the difference in performance and increased scan percentages coming from the drivers. Leveraging Scandit’s technology will also help MobileTek users overcome adverse conditions such as awkward angles, distance, low lighting and in some cases the need for scanning damaged barcodes. Carriers will also be able to eliminate an extra device from the driver, along with the hundreds or thousands of dollars related to that extra hardware. With Scandit built into the MobileTek application, carrier companies will have an all-inclusive total solution that delivers high performance and fully compliments the BYOD environment, enabling drivers to use their existing devices without additional pieces or cost.

Company President Charlie Pisciotta adds, “Scanning always presented our customers with several challenges and cost of implementation for the hardware was the biggest. While smartphones helped reduce the need for expensive rugged devices, some carriers continued to have related hardware costs by adding Bluetooth scanners in high-volume scanning environments to compensate for a slower method of camera scanning. We’ve helped to eliminate those added hardware costs and increased the camera functionality in the application with the help of Scandit. MobileTek users will now have the power of a rugged dedicated scanner built right into the app, increasing productivity and providing a lower cost of ownership to the carrier. As an added benefit, carriers can now get away from managing damaged rugged scanners and delayed repair times which factor into lost production and potentially unhappy customers. We know our customers appreciate the continued investment we put into our solutions to help make their businesses stronger and we feel confident they’re going to love this new integration with Scandit.”

Scandit is the leading enterprise mobility and data capture company, specializing in barcode scanning solutions that transform business processes across industries including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing and retail. For more information, videos and details on Scandit you can visit them here:

The US courier and parcel delivery services industry consists of about 7,500 companies both large and small, which have combined annual revenue of about $90 billion, according to an article published in Market Realist in July 2015. To stand out amongst that big an industry, you must be able to deliver excellent customer service. Being in the courier or e-commerce industry, you must be well aware of the role dispatch and delivery management plays in providing satisfactory customer service. Satisfactory customer service requires on-time delivery, proper packaging and proper invoicing. Courier management includes warehousing, accounting, fleet management and invoicing. The question is how to maintain and keep all the verticals connected in real-time. The answer is dispatch management software.



A dispatch/courier management software helps you monitor all the verticals of your courier or e-commerce business while sitting at one place. Given below are some of the benefits offered by such software and how it can help you put better results on the table.

  1. Increases Efficiency and Accuracy – Such software helps assign specific barcodes and unique package number. This helps to input information about the incoming and outgoing consignments with utmost accuracy and also saves time.
  2. Proper Order Entry – Courier management software helps with proper order entry. The specifications may include caller, pick-up location and delivery. This helps to organize dispatch and delivery effectively as well as maintain effective customer communication.


  1. Dispatch Tracking – Fleet management becomes a lot easier with proper software in place. You can view all the driver details on one screen at the same time. You can track the deliveries that have been made and the ones that are yet to be made. You can prioritize the dispatch that is most important. The software keeps all the vital links updated whether it is the operations managers, dispatchers or administrators.
  2. Proper Warehousing – With a sound technological system at place, warehousing becomes a lot simpler. It also eliminates the chances of errors arising out of manual invoicing. You can simply scan the barcodes to track the number of units.
  3. Reporting – Such software comes with built-in report writer. This report writer accesses the pool of data available under different verticals of courier management. You can easily view report on delivery, drive performance and activity and so on. This can help you point out loopholes and fix them easily. You can also compare reports from two different time period to determine your progress. You can also direct these report to concerned department members.

If you still haven’t tried dispatch management software, then its time you do so. You are sure to notice improved efficiency and better handling of consignments.


Wall Township, NJ – Key Software Systems, developers of Xcelerator & MobileTek, provide their customers with hyperSHIP, a real-time smartphone-tablet based app, branded with the carriers logo that enables the shipper to place orders in seconds and track orders down to the captured signature.

“We really wanted to help our customers compete against the new start-up companies like Uber, who are app based.  This hyperSHIP app, not only provides the shipper with a sharp, accurate and quick way to place orders with the carrier, but it also gives the carrier valuable information on how their customers are using it.  Our customers can see quote conversion rates that will open up visibility to the shipping habits of their customers.” States company President, Charlie Pisciotta.  He continues “The best part is we decided to provide hyperSHIP at no additional cost to our customers, it’s included with their subscription to Xcelerator.”

Compatible on Android, iPhone and Windows Phone, makes hyperSHIP available to anyone who’s on the go and needs the agility to place orders into their carriers system.  Downloading is easy, shippers would go to the app store or play store for simple installation.



Wall Township, NJ – Key Software Systems, developers of Xcelerator, MobileTek and Fleet Commander Software release a new mobile dashboard reporting tool, Vantage Point.

As an extension of Key Software Systems’ industry leading software, Xcelerator, Vantage Point is a mobile dashboard reporting app that delivers interactive reporting to Executives and Managers for off-site accountability.  Vantage Point has interactive, click-through reporting on distribution, accounting, sales and operational data from the convenience of a smartphone or tablet.  Vantage Point is available at no cost to existing Xcelerator customers and integrates Xcelerator’s reporting engine into a user-friendly interface that will work across any mobile operating system.

Partner and System Architect, Chris Miller states, “Vantage Point is a ‘Thanks’ to our loyal customers!  We came up with the idea to build a feature-rich mobile application for our customers to keep track of their business while on-the-go, and what better way to say ‘Thanks’ than to provide this mobile app FREE, to further increase the high value of their Xcelerator subscriptions.”

Xcelerator & MobileTek are enterprise-class software solutions designed by Key Software Systems, for today’s transportation, logistics and warehousing company.  For more information, screen shots and detailed descriptions, visit or call 732-409-6068 to speak with a representative.  Follow us on Twitter @KeySoftwareSys.



Wall Township, NJ – Key Software Systems, developers of Xcelerator & MobileTek Software are excited to announce that MobileTek now supports Windows Phone, making MobileTek the first mobile communications software in this space that supports all mobile operating systems.

MobileTek delivers the most reliable and robust mobile software solution that is accessed easily from ruggedized Windows Mobile Devices, as well as, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone smartphones and tablets.  With continuous development and advanced features like barcode scanning, GPS, signature capture, shared stops, turn-by-turn directions, document attachment and more, MobileTek is positioned to be an industry leader to the customized logistics industry for years to come.   MobileTek is proven to increase accuracy, accountability, and
speed among the mobile workforce of its customers.

Partner and System Architect, Chris Miller states, “As companies embrace the BYOD model for the mobile workforce, it’s vital that we support all leading smartphone operating systems..  It’s exciting to say that we are the first in the industry to support Windows Mobile, Android, iOS and Windows Phone and we’re looking forward to the future evolution of MobileTek.”

Xcelerator & MobileTek are enterprise-class software solutions designed by Key Software Systems, for today’s transportation, logistics and warehousing company.  For more information, screen shots and detailed descriptions, visit or call 732-409-6068 to speak with a representative.  Follow us on Twitter @KeySoftwareSys.

14Does your company have an App?

You do now!!!

Introducing hyperSHIP




Wall Township, NJ – Key Software Systems, developers of Xcelerator & MobileTek Software are excited to announce that MobileTek can now be accessed via iPhone/iPad.

MobileTek for iOS is a natively installed app and equipped with advanced features like barcode scanning, GPS, signature capture, the ability to attach documents and much more.

Customers will immediately benefit from the ability to leverage their drivers existing devices (BYOD model), low cost hardware options if providing hardware to their mobile workforce, and quick deployment of the software to the field. Deployment is simple and easy, installation is complete in 2 minutes through the APP store.

Partner and System Architect, Chris Miller states, “It’s vital to support all leading smartphone operating systems available today.  We started with Android because of its majority market share and now we’ve completed Apple/iPhone (iOS).  Combined, these two represent 94% of smartphones.  Next, we’ll move to Windows Phone which currently has a very small market share but shows significant potential for growth in 2014/2015.”

Xcelerator & MobileTek are enterprise-class software solutions designed by Key Software Systems, for today’s transportation, logistics and warehousing company.  For more information, screen shots and detailed descriptions, visit or call 732-409-6068 to speak with a representative.  Follow us on Twitter @KeySoftwareSys.


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