In the dynamic landscape of modern delivery services, technology is empowering carriers to augment their delivery network with new lines of business in previously untouched vertical markets. Final mile software platforms like Xcelerator are advancing their applications with features and functionality that complement the carriers existing B-B delivery network, to easily adopt a B-C model that encompasses Home Delivery and the scheduling complexities that come with it.
Adding a Home Delivery service to existing delivery verticals can be challenging, however platforms like Xcelerator are proving to smooth the speed bumps encountered when working with a new customer base. Home delivery challenges are found in receiving products, coordinating delivery times, communicating with drivers and consignees, as well as case management. Adopting technology automates and streamlines that process end-to-end, transforming not only the customer journey, but your internal operations as well. By leveraging the technology carriers have a newfound sense of control over their delivery experience when embarking in new areas like Home Delivery.
Through the combination of consignees self-scheduling deliveries through SMS communication and route optimization applied to those scheduled deliveries, carriers now have the tools and resources for operational finesse, and customer-centric engagement. Your entire final mile delivery management and optimization platform will stand not only as a symbol of courage to move into new markets, but also as a model of exceptional customer satisfaction.